Who likes haslet, not Mr Shit Shooter by the looks of it
Year: 2018
Mr Shit Shooter on the CB
10-4 good buddy coming in wall to wall and tree top tall
Mr Shit Shooter & His Alarm Clock
Mr Shit Shooter doesnt like to be woken too early
Mr Shit Shooter Clay Shooting with an Air Rifle
Who says you need a shotgun to shoot clays,
Idiots with guns
Shooting a Makarov X10
Short demo video of a Makarov X10 being shot, for educational use of course
Balikli Pump Action Shotguns
Review / Discussion about Balikli pump action shotguns
Makarov BS12 Synthetic
A good description of the Makarov BSM12 Synthetic AR platform gun
Makarov BSM12 Full Ali
A good description of the Makarov BSM12 Aluminium AR platform gun